Naughty Dirty Bits, Video Art
August, 2023
Video Art created by Adamska Elizaveta Rakhilkina
Cinematography by mikey barrata
“Naughty Dirty Bits” is a video pairing that is half instructional manual on how to make your very own DIY hormones and half a decadent cooking tutorial. The two videos — each following the steps of making Testosterone and Estradiol, are in conversation with each other — flirt with the idea of art as activism, and insist on the concept of politics serving as the arena of invention and creativity.
In the year of 2023 when 566 anti-trans bills have been introduced in the USA, and hormone replacement therapy has been banned all together in the artist’s home country of Russia, the need to take your medical alterations into your own hands is especially searing for the global trans community.
These videos are not just decadent tutorials on how to create dishes of your own choosing, but a plea to both trans- and cis- communities to wake up to the stringent hierarchies of medical system, the panopticon control of the state over our biology. The plea to spearhead this molecular uprising and to take the reality of our bodies into own hands.